Essential Documentation Provided in the BRCGS Template Bundle
Senior Management Commitment and Continual Improvement
- Documented Food Safety and Quality Policy: this policy communicates the commitment to produce safe, legal, and authentic products.
- Food Safety and Quality Culture Plan: This plan outlines activities and measures for developing and improving the site's food safety and quality culture.
- Documented Objectives: Clear objectives for maintaining and improving product safety, authenticity, legality, and quality.
- Management Review Meeting Records: Documented records of management review meetings, showing how the site's performance against the Standard and objectives are reviewed.
- Records of Food Safety, Authenticity, Legality, and Quality Meetings
- Confidential Reporting System: A documented system for staff to report food safety and quality concerns confidentially.
Food Safety and Quality Management System
- Food Safety and Quality Manual: A documented manual outlining the management system.
- Document Control Procedures: Documented procedures for controlling documents and records.
- Internal Audit Procedures and Records: Documented procedures and records of internal audits.
- Supplier Approval and Performance Monitoring Procedures: Documented procedures for approving and monitoring suppliers.
- Product Specifications: Documented specifications for all raw materials, ingredients, and finished products.
- Corrective and Preventive Action (CAPA) Procedures: Documented procedures for handling non-conformities and taking corrective and preventive actions.
- Traceability Procedures: Documented procedures for ensuring product traceability.
- Complaint Handling Procedures: Documented procedures for handling customer complaints.
- Incident Management, Product Withdrawal, and Recall Procedures: Documented procedures for managing incidents, product withdrawals, and recalls.
Site Standards
- Cleaning and Disinfection Procedures: Documented procedures for cleaning and disinfection.
- Pest Management Procedures: Documented pest control procedures and records.
- Maintenance Procedures: Documented maintenance procedures for equipment and buildings.
- Personal Hygiene Procedures: Documented personal hygiene policies and procedures.
- Staff Training Records: Documented records of staff training, including food safety and hygiene training.
- Waste and Waste Disposal Procedures: Documented waste management procedures.
Product Control
- Product Design and Development Procedures: Documented procedures for product design and development, where applicable.
- Product Labeling Procedures: Documented procedures for product labeling, including allergen information.
- Allergen Management Procedures: Documented procedures for managing allergens.
- Product Authenticity and Chain of Custody Procedures: Documented procedures for ensuring product authenticity and chain of custody, where applicable.
- Product Packaging Procedures: Documented procedures for product packaging.
- Product Inspection and Testing Procedures: Documented procedures for product inspection and testing.
- Product Release Procedures: Documented procedures for product release.
Process Control
- Control of Operations Procedures: Documented procedures for controlling operations.
- Labeling and Pack Control Procedures: Documented procedures for labeling and pack control.
- Calibration and Control Procedures: Documented procedures for calibration and control of measuring and monitoring devices.
- Training Records: Documented records of staff training, including job-specific training and food safety training.
- Personal Hygiene Records: Documented records of personal hygiene practices.
- Medical Screening Records: Documented records of staff medical screening, where applicable.
- Protective Clothing Procedures: Documented procedures for protective clothing.
Additional Documentation
- High-Risk, High-Care, and Ambient High-Care Zones (if applicable): Documented procedures for layout, product flow, segregation, building fabric, equipment, maintenance, staff facilities, housekeeping, hygiene, waste disposal, and protective clothing in these zones.
- Requirements for Traded Products (if applicable): Documented procedures for managing traded products, including HACCP plans, supplier approval, specifications, product inspection, and traceability.
Important Considerations
- Documentation is in electronic format.
- Sites will need to Develop their own Food Safety/HACCP plan, or work with us 1 on 1 to create and Food Safety & HACCP plan for your specific facility and product
- All documents should be kept up-to-date and reflect actual practices.
- Staff should have access to relevant documentation.
- External expertise can be used to support documentation, but the responsibility for food safety management remains with the company. We offer contract Food Safety Team Lead services for BRCGS, just ask!